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KE helps you look beyond borders, investigate complex systems, 
find new opportunities and make the best of the world we are living in. Sustainably.


KE is a leader in developing customized methodologies and tools for the elaboration of integrated strategies, action plans and investment programs.

What We Offer

Personalized attention to the needs of our clients

Policy Documents

The Path to Success

We co-develop policy documents using an integrated approach. We consider development goals, estimate investment requirements, shortlist available intervention options, and forecast the policy-induced avoided costs and added benefits.


Policy analysis

A Comprehensive Approach

We assess policy options using integrated models (capturing social, economic and environmental indicators), as well as conventional indicators of economic viability. We customize our approach to the local context, and use a multi-stakeholder approach.


Manuals and Guidebooks

Paving the way to sustainability

Always at the forefront of research for sustainability, we regularly write manuals to help professionals and researchers employ more systemic approaches to policy analysis. Green economy and green growth, climate adaptation and mitigation, circular economy, are only few examples of the manuals authored by KE.



Expert Guidance

We provide capacity building, ranging from short seminars to extensive training programs on modeling and policy analysis. Whether in person or through webinars, our courses are greatly appreciated by decision makers, technicians and students alike.



At the Edge of knowledge

Inspired by students and fascinated by research, we never stop learning about systems. KE staff regularly publish in peer-reviewed journals, to gather feedback from peers and share knowledge with the research community.


Customized models

Understanding systems

We create customized models that fully capture the local social, economic and environmental contexts. This is done through group model building and through the use of participatory processes. We also like to design new models that integrate different modeling approaches and spatial analysis, for true systemic assessments.


Contact KE

Do you have a specific question, or project inquiry? We will be glad to help.

Contact us at info [at] or on social media.

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©2018 by KnowlEdge Srl.

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